(Agricultural University)


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The college of Forestry caters to the location specific research needs of the region. The major research is focused on biodiversity conservation, development of nursery techniques for tree crops, development of agroforestry systems for the region. The research work is being undertaken through state and central government sponsored research projects at main Campus of the University. Biodiversity Park in campus having an area of 50 ha comprising of more than 150 plant species, Nursery unit which produces around 1 lakh seedling of 50 different tree and several MAP species, Block Plantation of different timber tree species and multipurpose tree species, Bamboo museum having collection of 19 species, Charak Medicinal Plants Garden having 183 species
Thrust Area of Research

  • Conservation of Biodiversity and RET species of the region and Development of nursery technologies for tree species
  • Germplasm Collection and Evaluation of Forest tree species and Genetic Improvement of Forest species
  • Development of Agroforestry systems for the region.
  • Cultivation practices for medicinal and aromatic plants and Development of sustainable harvesting techniques for NTFPs.
  • Production of Quality Planting Material for Large Scale Plantation
  • Carbon Sequestration Potential of some forest species
  • Training to local communities those who are required to play a key role in environment governance and implementation.
  • Community organizations aspect in implementation of resource management programmes  for conservation of Sacred Groves, which will protects rare varieties of plants and animals.
Laboratory facilities
The college has developed teaching and research facilities undergraduate and post graduate degree programmes. Sophisticated equipments purchased and being used are
  • Super Critical Analyzer.
  • Nutrient Analyzer
  • HPLC
  • Universal Wood Testing Machine
  • Soil Moisture measuring kit.
  • Field and tracking equipments
  • Soil and plant nutrient analysis Kit
  • Global Position System (GPS)
  • Tree Canopy Analyzer
  • Leaf area meter
  • Schrolander Gas Chamber
  • Flame photometer
  • Spectrophotometer

Completed Ad hoc Research Projects

Sr.No Title of Project Funding Agency Year Amount (lakhs)
1  Biodiversity Assessment of proposed nuclear power station site at Jaitapur NEERI, Nagpur 2007 8.50
2 Development of protocols for threatened and endangered species State Forest Department 2007 1.50
3 Invasive weed survey State Forest Department 2006 0.20
4 Biodiversity study State Forest Department 2006 0.15
5 Biodiversity study Welcast construction, Vasai, Thane 2006 0.25
6 Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry system in six agroclimatic zones National Mission on Bamboo, New Delhi 2010 17.50
7 Wildlife Reserves v/s Sacred Groves: Conservation Assessment from Peoples Perspective ATREE, Bengaluru 1.05 1 year
8 Developing methodology and parameters for selection of superior genetic plants of Non Timber Forest Product species State Forest Department 1.70 2 years
9 Evaluation & Mass Multiplication of Tree Born Oil Seeds of Konkan Region of Maharashtra NOVOD Board, Gurgaon 9.57 3 Years (from 2007-08)
10 Development of Agro techniques and feasibility studies for commercially important Medicinal plants Dabur India Pvt Ltd. 6.54

2 years (2011-12)

11 Quantification of CO2 absorption rate of few tropical trees of Konkan region Terracon Sustainable solutions, Mumbai 1.33 1 Year (2011-12)
12 Development and demonstration of sustainable methods of harvesting of Nothapodytes nimmoniana under different agroforestry systems DBT, New Delhi 3.00 2011-2013
13 Saraca asoca – A gift of Nature : Production of quality planting material for large scale plantation. NMPB, New Delhi 10.83 2008-09
14 Facilitation Center for Medicinal Plants NMPB, New Delhi 30.00 2008-09)
15 Model Nursery for Medicinal Plants NMPB 20.00 2011-12)
16 Terrestrial Biodiversity estimation and Conservation plan of JNPP NPCIL, Mumbai 53.50 2011-2013

On going Ad hoc Research Projects

Sr.No Title of Project Funding Agency Year
1 Evaluation & Mass Multiplication of Tree Born Oil Seeds of Konkan Region of Maharashtra NOVOD Board, Gurgaon 2013-2015
2 Development of Agro techniques and feasibility studies for commercially important Medicinal plants Dabur India Pvt Ltd. 2014-2015
3 Preventing extinction and improving conservation status of threatened plants through application of Biotechnological tools. DBT, New Delhi 2012-2016

Departmental Projects

  • Effect of nutrient levels on growth of Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea)
  • Studies on allelopathic effect of bamboo leaf litter on agricultural crops
  • Development of Sandal wood based horticultural system
  1. The Undi (Calophyllum inophyllum) clone KKVCI-03 is identified for high oil content through selection method.  This is a middle aged tree with an average seed yield of 28.83 kg.  It has an average seed size and shape with a seed weight of 5.53g.  The oil content of the seed is 79.34 percent with the oil recovery of 72.66 ml per 100 g seed. clone KKVCI-03 of Undi is recommended for planting in Konkan region.
  1. Bamboo can be planted at 10 x 10 m spacing and intercropped with finger millet for attaining early and higher yield of bamboo without affecting the yield of finger millet in the uplands of Konkan region.
  1. In Konkan conditions Manga Bamboo can be commercially macro propagated by using three nodal culm cuttings of 6 month old stick under 50 percent shade in a raised bed (sand : soil : FYM 1:2:2) in December-January followed by transferring the 6 month old proliferated individual shoots in polybags and the saplings can be planted in field after 1 month.
  Services rendered
  1. The biodiversity assessment work of the proposed Thermal power plant at Jaitapur in Ratnagiri district is carried out by the college.
  2. The biodiversity assessment work of the proposed Thermal power plant at Dhopave in Ratnagiri district is being carried out by the college.
  3. Farmers training were arranged for creating the awareness about the propagation, conservation, utilization and sustainable management of endemic medicinal plants.
  4. Students participation in Vulture enumeration at Panna Tiger reserve.
  5. Survey of Invasive Weeds in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forest Patches of Thane District
  6. Survey of Invasive Weeds in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forest Patches of Sindhudurg District
  7. Survey of Bio diversity of Preservation Plots in Dodamarg Research Range

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Contact Information

Dr. M. M. Burondkar                              
Associate Dean (Forestry)
College of Forestry, Dapoli ssn_forest@rediffmail.com
Phone - 02358 – 283655 , 284013


The Registrar
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA Pin No. 415 712

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