Awards given by the University in Research & Development
1) Late Shri M.G. Dandekar Award
A cash prize of Rs. 2500/- alongwith certificate is awarded on the Foundation Day of the University to the eminent research worker in the Faculty of Agriculture every year.
2) RFRS Acclamation Award
A cash prize of Rs. 1000/- alongwith certificate is awarded alternate year to the scientist for his notable research contribution in the fieold of Horticulture on the Foundation Day of the University.
3) Abasaheb Kubal Award
A cash prize of Rs. 1000/- per annum alongwith certificate is awarded in the name of Shri. Ramakant Mukund alias Abasaheb Kubal, Vengurla to a person engaged in and made substantial contribution in the field of horticulture research/extension activities in the Konkan on the Foundation Day of the University.